Instagram is a social media sharing app that has grown tremendously in popularity in the last few years. Your feed is filled with photos, videos and even selfies of people you are following. You can choose to post your own content or keep it private and share the app only with friends. Here are the latest Instagram trends to look out for.

More Videos

With the introduction of Instagram video in 2013, there has been a steady rise in videos on Instagram. You now see a lot more videos being shared by brands and individuals alike. The formats may vary but we are seeing an increase in visual content.

Instagram Stories

With more than 100 million users, Instagram stories are taking the world by storm when you purchase comments from Go Read. The Instagram stories feature is available on both the Android and iPhone with a view to encourage more sharing of user content in a variety of formats.

Instagram Monetization

Instagram revenue has been on the rise for the past few months and brands are now open to investing in this visual medium for advertising and promoting products and services.


Instagram users have their favorite hashtags that they are particularly fond of. The use of hashtags on Instagram is on the increase and you may see a lot more brands advertising or promoting products and services by using popular hashtags.


Instagram recently launched stories+ as a new way to be creative and share your photos with followers. It is similar in nature to Snapchat’s Live Stories feature but with more visuals and no video aspect.

Influencer Marketing

Instagram influencers can be seen as key players in the social media marketing for brands and businesses. More brands are investing in Instagram influencers and as people go for the likes, comments and hashtags on your posts, you have a winning formula.

Live Instagram Videos


With the rise in number of smartphone users, people are now more inclined to be a part of the live videos on Instagram. With live videos you can interact with people and have the best conversations on your feed.

Personalization tools

Instagram recently rolled out its own dashboard that personalizes your experience on the app. You can now save your favorite photos, upload new photos and get more info about your followers with personalized insights.

Hashtags for Brands

Brands that succeed on Instagram often use hashtags to build an audience and get more engagement. It is important to use the right hashtags if you want people to notice your content and engage with you.


Chatbots are becoming more popular on Instagram, especially for customer support and interaction purposes. Chatbots help brands respond faster, send automated messages at specific times or send out special deals and discounts to customers who have subscribed or follow a brand or business on Instagram.